Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Do I Stand for Anything?

This post is sort of a companion to my previous post about the "Occupy" movement. Although I still wholeheartedly affirm all of the sentiments expressed therein regarding the preferability of more thoroughly exposing and understanding the current system over constructing ideals and working through the political process, I feel that the cynicism of my blog has reached such levels that I must say something affirmative!

I still will not propose any type of ideal system or attach myself to any "-ism" other than Marxism, as a social critique, or pacificism. Yet, there are certain things in this world that I believe somewhat escape, or have the potential to escape, the reach of the current world system. These are not ideals, per se, but more representatives, in certain aspects, of things I believe in.

The World Social Forum
Here is a movement that refuses to work through official political channels, and that recognizes the reach of global relationships of power. It is a "big tent" that encompasses a number of diverse perspectives, all united for a single cause: radical transformation of the system.

Cooperatives rely on non-capitalist relations of production. Still, they exist within a capitalist world system. Fortunately the internet has allowed many cooperatives to reach consumers directly, without the use of exploitative middlemen. Which brings me to...

The Internet
If anything has the potential for great good as well as great evil, it's the internet! What I like best about the internet, though, is that it allows for the creation of relationships that elude capitalist relations of production, involving anything from music to banking. Capitalist forces try desperately to control the internet, but it appears the internet is usually one step ahead. For instance, I can still get music for free, despite the Recording Industry's best efforts.

Debt Forgiveness
This is one of the few "political" strategies that I support. Debt is one of the most significant factors keeping Third World countries in servitude to the industrialized world, as well as draining their resources.  Debt forgiveness could help loosen those chains.

There are probably other things I could add to this list, but I feel like I can dust off my hands now and walk off into the sunset.

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